Saturday, July 28, 2012


Hello Friends!
This is a conscious decision I have made- to learn writing Poetry. How is it fun to learn something alone... I am sure there are many of you out there who want to learn how to write poetry but don't know how or don't feel motivated enough..

So let's start doing this every week. Every weekend, I will post details about a particular form of poetry. Interested people can write in with their suggestions about which form they wish to learn. Also we can put in our links here after writing a new post with the particular Form of poetry!

Starting this week, we begin with CINQUAINS

Let us begin with the Didactic Cinquain. 

A Cinquain is a 5-line poem.

I shall break the five into a line each explaining how it is constructed..

Line 1- 1 Noun
Line 2- 2 Adjectives related to 1
Line 3- 3 Action Verbs related to 1
Line 4- 4 Feelings-a full sentence
Line 5- 1 Synonym or a word that sums it all up



Opinionated Melanic

Pinched warped twisted

Forms a pseudo illusion


You think you can write one? Of course you can!! Write a Cinquain and click on the logo below that will lead you to the page where you can fill in your blog link and read the other blog links!
Do leave in a comment so I know you appreciate the effort!

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